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Career Counsellor Career Counsellor


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Immigration Counsellor Immigration Counsellor


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Student counsellor Student counsellor

2 years Exp - 5+ years Exp

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Reagan Global believes that Hard Work = Success. And it is this rationale that has inspired many of our incentive structures. We frequently offer the opportunity to visit the US, UK, Canada, and Australia to our top performers on the company dime. These all-expense paid trips are handed out periodically to our top performers. Whether it be to attend an educational seminar, a corporate conference, or learn something new, we believe that the company is stronger when our employees are satisfied with their growth and have their finger on the pulse of the industry.

We endorse equal opportunity which is why the company, under top-notch leadership, is a meritocracy. This spirit is what defines us as a company. Reagan Global believes in promoting from within, and unlike many other companies, promotions are tied to targets achieved as opposed to once a year. Promotions are determined by a candidate’s statistics and his/ her commitment to the company. Since one of our main pillars is Education, it would be remiss if we didn’t mention that an employee who has been with the company for over 5 years, receives a stipend for the children’s education.

With offices across India, many of our staff have moved across the country, for various reasons, and remained with the Reagan Global family. Ever-expanding, career trajectory at the company is only going one way. UP.


We are committed to making sure that our staff has intelligent, hard-working, well-spoken individuals who play well with others. Team spirit and passion are what we’re all about here at Reagan Global and these traits are best represented by the Reagan Global family. Diversity is a big part of who we are and over 70% of our employees are women. Our employees come from all walks of life, with different experiences, career histories, varied years of job experience, and from all over India...,....


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